ARSE Governance Token

Token Details

  • Ticker: ARSE

  • Max Supply:

  • Total Supply: Continually reduced via the Redemption Process

  • Emission: Dynamic ARSE emission (cap at ** ARSE weekly)

  • Contract address:

How to Receive ARSE?

  • Earn ARSE by staking esDYNA or DYNA in the DYNA DAO Pool

  • Acquire through ARSE Auctions, by burning esDYNA or DYNA

ARSE Allocation

To ensure a fair launch of the project, there is no pre-allocation or pre-mining of ARSE tokens. All users, community members and contributors are invited to join the DYNA DAO by staking any esDYNA tokens they earn.

ARSE Emissions

At the end of each epoch, ARSE emission will be dynamically set to 80% of the fees that the DAO received during that epoch. This ensures that the emission remains valuable and is tied directly to the activity within the ecosystem. Total weekly reward cap is at ** ARSE.

Last updated