esDYNA Unvested Token

esDYNA = unvested DYNA token

DYNA Bonding Mechanism - esDYNA

Token Details

  • Ticker: esDYNA

  • Max Supply: 38,330,000

  • Total Supply: Continually reduced through vesting.

  • Distribution: Fully under the control of the DYNA DAO

  • Contract address:

How to vest esDYNA tokens

Normal vesting:

Users may deposit the esDYNA token into the vesting contract to vest it into DYNA token over a 30-day vesting period.

Accelerated vesting:

Users may pay immediate release fees based on the remaining days (2% per day), which are deducted directly from the staked amount. Alternatively, they can upgrade their D.Army rank to decrease their vesting terms by up to three times the maximum duration.

How to Receive esDYNA?

  • Buy Bond to earn esDYNA

  • Trade to Earn esDYNA through our Incetives Program

  • Invite your friends to DYNA protocol, and both be rewarded through our Referral Program

esDYNA Allocation

Last updated